...Tetbury Market Hall.
Built in 1665. It is still used as a market.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Day 273...is a hdr at night of...
Friday, 20 January 2012
Day 268...down by the canal...
...there are lots of old warehouses/mills that have been converted to housing and new businesses.
I took this as a three image hdr and converted it to b&w.
Day 266...I wish it was Christmas more often!!
My Christmas present from my husband was a set of strobes and softboxes.
Day 265...is Christmas Day.
I think a lot of people forget the meaning of Christmas.
This is my Christmas Day image of Jesus in a crib with Mary and Joseph.
Day 264...is Christmas Eve.
We always wrap our presents up on Christmas Eve. Here is some of the paper and bows I was using.
Day 263..is just outside my window...
...and this large clump of grass gets lit by the morning sun.
It's something I look forward to on a daily basis.
Day 262...I'm again in my garden looking for something...
...interesting. The Acanthus spinosus has died back to the ground for the winter, but the old stems are fascinating.
Day 259...is a backlit teasel...
...that is growing in the garden.
The bees love them when they are flowering and the birds love the seeds.
Day 257...the sun appeared briefly...
...so I went into the garden. These are Garlic chive flowers well past their best, but I loved the light on them.
Day 256...I received a beautiful bouquet...
...of flowers which included these berries made of glass.
Day 254...I went back to see the lights...
...in the garden.
This time I did quite a few hdr images of which this is one of them.
Day 253...I was sitting outside...
...the changing rooms for my daughter when I spotted a small canvas bag.
I took a couple of shots of the buckle on a strap before the security guard descended on me like a ton of bricks to tell me off!!
Day 249...we received another present...
...from someone my husband had helped.
It was a wonderful hamper of Italian goodies.
Day 248...was my first time using studio...
...lights. This one was with continuous light.
I have some strobes of my own now!!
Day 247...we received a box of chocolates...
...so of course I had to take some pictures before they were eaten!! This was a delicious white chocolate truffle.
Day 246...I went for another visit to...
...Avebury Manor, Wiltshire. This time it wasn't raining.
This is the front of the house.
I need to go back in the summer when the lavender will be flowering along the length of the path.
Day 244...was a church in Wiltshire...
...where they had stone carvings of head either side of the door.
Day 243...I did my annual pilgrimage to..
...see the Westonbirt lights for the Enchanted Wood. They light up part of the arboretum for a few weekends in December.
Day 239...was in Cirencester...
...at the Christmas Market which was held for a few weeks in the run up to Christmas.
They had lots of hand made crafts for sale.
Day 237...was bitterly cold...
...but I wanted an image of The Old Bell Hotel, Malmesbury with the Christmas tree lit up next to the Abbey.
It's hard to get it with no cars parked out the front!!
Another HDR image.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Day 234...I went to visit the manor house the BBC have been...
...renovating. This is Queen Anne's Withdrawing Room.
Day 233...I found the most glorious roof...
...covered in green moss and leaves.
The light striking it was beautiful.
Day 232...I was taking pictures of bokeh lights...
...and got a star shape of blue lights.
Then I used a filter to explode the circles.
Day 230...Panoramic of Dyrham Park near Bath.
On a cold day I went to visit Dyrham Park to shoot a few hdr images.
This one is five sets of three raw files stitched together.
Day 224...is a venus fly trap...
...that has finished digesting the fly we fed to it.
All spat out...pre digested fly.