Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Day 339. I was fascinated by Trakmat...
...which was being used to move diggers over lawns without too much damage.
Day 322. I missed this last year...
...so was very pleased that we got a nice day.
The weather turned after I took this and there wasn't another opportunity.
Day 311 is another abstract image...
...taken with my macro lens.
It's the fins on one of my daughter's rockets.
They are great fun and can be fired between 100-150 feet into the sky!!
Day 310. Was one of those days where you struggle to find...
...something that interests you...until I saw a packet of capsules...
Day 309. I love the delicate petals of snowdrops...
...such a shame they don't last long.
Maybe that's why we look forward to them so much...
Day 304...Is a light fitting in a drop ceiling...
...I had never seen this type of reflector fitting with a low energy bulb in it before...
Day 303 was time for another abstract...
...this was on the floor of a piece of childrens activity equipment.
Day 300. Still with the tulips...
...I wanted some macro shots.
Thought that it looked a little erotic.
Day 298. One of the things I love about this time of year...
...is all the beautiful tulips in the shops.
Day 295. I've passed this tree many times and seen...
...gorgeous light, but there is nowhere easy to park and I'm usually in a hurry.
I thankfully had some spare time on this day and passed at the right time of day.
In the Pink.
Day 294 is a beautiful oak tree.
Cherishing... To me it looks like it has an arm around the smaller oak tree, nurturing it. <3