Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Day 340. Isn't the light in spring beautiful...

Bamboo. by BambersImages
Bamboo., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 339. I was fascinated by Trakmat...

Trakmat. by BambersImages
Trakmat., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...which was being used to move diggers over lawns without too much damage.

Day 338. Escaping...

Escaping... by BambersImages
Escaping..., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

......just when he could have been famous!!

Day 337. I loved the dappled light...

Gateway. by BambersImages
Gateway., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 336. Glorious rhododendrons are out now...

Rhododendron. by BambersImages
Rhododendron., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 335. I found a wonderful old mossy wall...

Mossy wall 1. by BambersImages
Mossy wall 1., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 334. The texture of the Magnolia stellata...

Magnolia stellata by BambersImages
Magnolia stellata, a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 333. I textured this beautiful Clematis.

Clematis. by BambersImages
Clematis., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 332. Reflections...

Reflections. by BambersImages
Reflections., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...in a sheep's eye.

Day 331. Last gasp of the tulips.

Last gasp. by BambersImages
Last gasp., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 330. Hanging in there...

Hanging in there... by BambersImages
Hanging in there..., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...are some of the garlic chive seeds.

Day 329. I found an odd crocus in a pot in the garden...

Crocus stamens. by BambersImages
Crocus stamens., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 328. I love working with beautiful natural light.

Sunlit Gerbera. by BambersImages
Sunlit Gerbera., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 327. Was the end of these...

Sunlit tulip. by BambersImages
Sunlit tulip., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...tulips as they are about to shed their petals.

Day 326. I have a collection of compacts of which...

Yardley compact. by BambersImages
Yardley compact., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...this Yardley compact is one.

Day 325. Experimenting with different angles...

Reverse. by BambersImages
Reverse., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 324. We went out for supper...

...I had Rack of lamb with redcurrants.
Totally delicious!!

Day 323. The petals of a gerbera...

Orange Gerbera. by BambersImages
Orange Gerbera., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...are so photogenic!!

Day 322. I missed this last year...

Early blossom. by BambersImages
Early blossom., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...so was very pleased that we got a nice day.
The weather turned after I took this and there wasn't another opportunity.

Day 321. The three frogs were being...

Frog pile... by BambersImages
Frog pile..., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...very friendly!!

Day 320. Is this how marriage should be...

Together... by BambersImages
Together..., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...bound together, with a deterrent to others?

Day 319. How sad that this is probably the last of...

Snowdrops and crocus. by BambersImages
Snowdrops and crocus., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...the crocus and snowdrops for the year....

Day 318 is another day with gorgeous...

Glowing goblet. by BambersImages
Glowing goblet., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.


Day 317. I go for a walk on a misty morning...

Misty morning. by BambersImages
Misty morning., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 316 is a day for something cooler...

Pure. by BambersImages
Pure., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 315...Well, I did tell you I loved...

Flame. by BambersImages
Flame., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 314. Don't you just love...

Red Hot!! by BambersImages
Red Hot!!, a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...the light in these tulips...Red Hot!!

Day 313 is a totally delicious...

Venison stew. by BambersImages
Venison stew., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...Venison stew!!

Day 312 is an abstract of an Expodisc...

Abstract. by BambersImages
Abstract., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...used for white balance.

Day 311 is another abstract image...

Fins. by BambersImages
Fins., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...taken with my macro lens.
It's the fins on one of my daughter's rockets.
They are great fun and can be fired between 100-150 feet into the sky!!

Day 310. Was one of those days where you struggle to find...

Capsules. by BambersImages
Capsules., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...something that interests you...until I saw a packet of capsules...

Day 309. I love the delicate petals of snowdrops...

Snowdrops. by BambersImages
Snowdrops., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...such a shame they don't last long.
Maybe that's why we look forward to them so much...

Day 308 was a gift from Australia...

Gift from Australia. by BambersImages
Gift from Australia., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...for my daughter from her aunt.

Day 307. Very few people guessed what it was...

Guess what it is... by BambersImages
Guess what it is..., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

It is a washing up scrubber...very bright colours!!

Day 306. Don't you just love...

...buttered Date and Cranberry Hot cross buns!!

Day 305 is an abstract...

Red. by BambersImages
Red., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...I called Red and Black.

Day 304...Is a light fitting in a drop ceiling...

Blue. by BambersImages
Blue., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...I had never seen this type of reflector fitting with a low energy bulb in it before...

Day 303 was time for another abstract...

Abstract. by BambersImages
Abstract., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...this was on the floor of a piece of childrens activity equipment.

Day 302. I loved the hearts...

Hearts. by BambersImages
Hearts., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Day 301. I love taking pictures of barbed wire...

Wired. by BambersImages
Wired., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...yes, I know I'm strange!!

Day 300. Still with the tulips...

Tulip II. by BambersImages
Tulip II., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...I wanted some macro shots.
Thought that it looked a little erotic.

Day 299. I liked the embossed design on a book...

Book detail. by BambersImages
Book detail., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...on agriculture.

Day 298. One of the things I love about this time of year...

Tulip. by BambersImages
Tulip., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...is all the beautiful tulips in the shops.

Day 297. One of my favourite flowers growing against a wall...

Snowdrops. by BambersImages
Snowdrops., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.


Day 296. I had been hoping for some nice mist for a while...

Misty Morning edit. by BambersImages
Misty Morning edit., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Misty Morning.

Day 295. I've passed this tree many times and seen...

In the Pink...2 by BambersImages
In the Pink...2, a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...gorgeous light, but there is nowhere easy to park and I'm usually in a hurry.
I thankfully had some spare time on this day and passed at the right time of day.

In the Pink.

Day 294 is a beautiful oak tree.

Cherishing... by BambersImages
Cherishing..., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

Cherishing... To me it looks like it has an arm around the smaller oak tree, nurturing it. <3

Day 293 I was making words with...

Scrabble. by BambersImages
Scrabble., a photo by BambersImages on Flickr.

...Trickster Scrabble...